Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Some hair questions...?

1) I think I have split ends from not cutting my hair in a long time, but I don't know what the look like!

2) I want that Straight look like Asians have ( I am asian, well Filipino, sort of right i guess) but My hair turn tends to curl only on the ends, I think it's wavy, but my friend thinks its curly, so I don't know the difference. ( When I comb the bangs one way i looks like a hat = ) )

3) does Hair gel ( like dippity do, thats what we have ) have the same effect like That Hair Wax things my friend tells me to use or is it for longer hair?

4) is playing with my hair bad for it?

Thank you in advance!

Some hair questions...?

1) run your fingers down a strand of hair... when you get to the bottom of the strand, if your hair starts to feel really weird [you'll understand what i mean when you do it] then it's time for a haircut.

2) straighten your hair, if it curls on the ends you might need a better straightener.

3) gel can work, but i think wax works better, but it's not a NEED. like your hair will survive withough wax.

4) it all depends. if you play with it while it's down, then all that will happen is that it will get a little greasy... if you keep putting it up and taking it down, then it's not completely bad, but it's not healthy, either. but everyone likes to play with their hair.

hope i helped :]

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