Wednesday, October 7, 2009

How do i get a mark from a hair product off my coffee table. the mark is alcohol based.table not var

the other day i placed a bottle of spray hair gel on my table and it was leaking and left a ring on my table. the mark is alcohol based. the table is mahogony and is not varnished. how can i get it off without ruining my table. I do have woodstain but it isnt covering it.HELP

How do i get a mark from a hair product off my coffee table. the mark is alcohol based.table not varished?

You could try washing soda (available from supermarkets and hardware shops) dissolved in hot water. Apply this with extra fine wire wool along the grain in a light scrubbing motion over the whole surface of the table. This should remove all the muck on the table top. Although I haven't tried it specifically with hair gel, it's worked on all the other stains, and old furniture wax, I've tried. If you wish, when dry, you can then apply a light coat of Briwax or similar, again along the grain and with extra fine wire wool. When this dries, you can either polish with a soft cloth, or knock it back with... you guessed it, wire wool. This will make the surface less prone to marking in the future.

How do i get a mark from a hair product off my coffee table. the mark is alcohol based.table not varished?

Use another alcohol to remove the stain. Suggest meths or surgical spirit.

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