Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Apart from gel or wax what ways are there to make the hair on my sides stay down, they usually stick

hair grows a certain way because of the direction the follicle is facing. If you train your hair to fall flat it will do so. To train your hair, continually brush in the direction you want the hair to go and try to wear some sort of a head cover at night. Put the head cover on just after a shower each night and your hair will begin to lay how you want it to.

Apart from gel or wax what ways are there to make the hair on my sides stay down, they usually stick outwards

this might sound silly but aloe vera the stuff u use 4 sunburns

Apart from gel or wax what ways are there to make the hair on my sides stay down, they usually stick outwards

pomade and a hair cut.

Apart from gel or wax what ways are there to make the hair on my sides stay down, they usually stick outwards

Use a little leave-in conditioner. Like this:

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