Sunday, July 26, 2009

The Phantom's hair color?!?

In the 2004 Phantom of the Opera the phantom's hair is usually gelled down and is a very dark chocolate color. But then near the end when the Phantom, Christine, and later Raoul are in his lair there is no gel and it is blonde on one side and appears even red. Why?

The Phantom's hair color?!?

In the movie the phantom seems to have dark chocolate/ black hair. Then during Past the Point of No Return at the very end of the song Christine pulls off the phantom's mask and his WIG falls off. His hair is actually strawberry blond. I know that it is a wig cause it you look hard enough during the movie while they are in the phantom's lair you can see his fake hair on a sculpture of a head. He OBVIOUSLY has more than one wig. But that is why his hair appears different to the audience. I hope this answers your question.

The Phantom's hair color?!?

Why would you want to know

The Phantom's hair color?!?

It is because of the lighting it gives it more of a dramiatic look and brings out the drama in the character. Red the color of passion

The Phantom's hair color?!?

because the lighting is stupid

The Phantom's hair color?!?

really? on a sculpture of his head? I've watched that movie a million times, and I've never noticed that. Now I have to look!

As for your question, yeah, the same thing Chrstine said.

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