Sunday, July 26, 2009

Hair: what product can I use to make it look slightly damp?

My hair always seems to look at its very best when it has been thoroughly towel dried and is still ever so slightly damp (but doesn't actually look wet). Wax makes my hair gunky / greasy; gel makes it crispy; most putties / creaams and the like seem too heavy, so it looses its movement. Can anyone name a suitable product? Cheers!

Hair: what product can I use to make it look slightly damp?

spray for greenfly bottle fill it up with water ( you will find some in a tap) . Best rinse it out first unless you have nits then its a win win sit.

Hair: what product can I use to make it look slightly damp?

try water. the look may not last very long

Hair: what product can I use to make it look slightly damp?

try diffrent waxes, or apply small amounts of wax when ur hair is damp. that shouldnt come out gunky

Hair: what product can I use to make it look slightly damp?

oil sheen, olive oil and water

Hair: what product can I use to make it look slightly damp?

Hairspray will make your hair look slightly damp. Try TRESemm鑼?hair spray; they're a really good brand!

Hair: what product can I use to make it look slightly damp?

Use mousse and scrunch your hair it looks damp and pretty =]

Hair: what product can I use to make it look slightly damp?

Farouk makes a product called " Bio Silk" Silk Therapy (a wee bit goes a LONG ways). It is not a gel so it will not "crisp" your hair, it is a light oil based with a silk by-product in it, this will maintain that dampish look with out the greasy feel but will wash out easily with shampoo. put on towel dried hair to keep the wet look. If you brush or comb after it will loose that damp look, but if you re-apply just a da of the silk therapy again it will go back to the look you want

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